Keeping your figure

In this era of body worship, maintaining an appealing figure can seem like an endless battle. For some people, efforts to get fit prove to be unsuccessful.

Among other reasons, aging or major weight loss may result in a weakening of the skin. Some people have hereditary fatty deposits that are resistant to dieting regimens. The result may be a sagging figure, causing discomfort and distress.

Body lift surgery, liposuction, and thigh and arm lift are ways to restore your figure

Fortunately, nowadays, there are various techniques that can be used to reduce body fat and restore sagging skin.

Body surgery or body lift

The body lift is an intervention that is performed following a significant loss of weight, for example, in ex-obese. It aims to remove excess skin from the central area of the body.

Body lift surgery

Body lift surgery is a procedure that is carried out following major weight loss, for example, in people who were formerly obese. It is designed to remove excess skin from the torso and abdomen.


Liposuction is a procedure that removes fatty deposits in specific areas of the body that neither dieting nor physical exercise is able to eliminate.

Thigh and arm lift

Thigh and arm lift is a procedure that aims to remove excess skin and layers of fat beneath the skin from the inner thigh and inner arm. It can be used to tighten sagging skin in these areas of the body.